Friday 21 September 2012

'Forest Escape' Film Genre Pitch

Original ideas

Forest Esacpe Genre Film Pitch

Opening sequence story board

Genre: Action/Adventure for a young audience
Narrative: Two children are playing in a park. when the mum is distracted they notice something in the forest. They follow it and it leads them into a magical land. But as time progresses they realise the plan of Evil Serpent and they have to fight for their life to get back home. Along the way they meet many friends and have a great adventure.
The two children: Alfie and Lisa (brother and sister)
The Bad Guy: Evil Serpent
His Sidekick: Roofus
Their mum
The magical fairy that helps them: Leona
and varius other background characters that the childern meet.
Setting: The majority of the film is set in the forest and a small amount in the playground in the opening sequence. In the forest there are various locations such as the evil serpents cave, the palace and other locations the children come across along the way.
Target Audience: 6-10 year olds
Producer Reaction: We got mostly yes and one no. Our pitch went very well with our idea sheet and story board (above). It could have been improved in some aspects such as we could have researched possible actors, soundtracks and other films in more detail. I've learned that the more planning you do the better, also to really go into depth with every aspect of the project.

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