Thursday 13 September 2012

Lesson 1 Film Opening Sequences Notes

Se7en Opening Sequence:
The opening of se7en has an immdeiate effect on the audience and quickly establishes that it is of a horror/thriller genre. The flashing images of sinister looking sketeches of the human anatomy and followed by the clip of someone holding a razor blade cutting off fragments of skin from the tips of their fingers exagerates the genre fully. This is continued into shots of a hand writing an cutting up photos of people, negative film strips and using a marker to 'scribble' over a photo of a young boy. further more images flash up of people and the hands seem to be making something with the varoius photos and writing. Also emphasis is put on the hand cutting out the word 'god' and the lyrics at the very end of the music say "you bring me closer to god" by now th audience is fully aware that the fim ahead will be disturbing to watch but it leaves a curiosity behind to find out what this person is creating.
Thoughout the whole opening thing the names of all the main actors and members of the crew such as the music composer, producers and the director last. The font used looks almost hand written and is animated in such a way that it is on old film and fragments are caught on the film making it look vintage and old fasioned. This gives the audience another insight into when the film is set. This old feeling is also emphasized by the sepia effect added to the clips themselfs.

Austin Powers Opening Sequence:
The opening sequence of Austin Powers, the spy that shagged me almost instatanously establishes the comedy genre.What immediately strikes the audience and quite frankly shocks the audience is Austin Powers is naked. This is unconventional but is also some what conventional of the comedy genre. Many comedy films start out with a dilema or the introduction of the main character who is also the main source of houmour. The lead role is normally has a big, bold personallity that often leads them to their demise. There are various shots of the naked Austin but his genitals have been 'censored' so to say by some very appedly placed objects and text,which only add to the houmour. Many peoples reactions are caputured from the shockled expressions of the people who havent been to the hotel before and the dis-concernof the people who work at the hotel expressing that this is a regular occurrence. Alike to many film opening sequences the names of the main actors and various mambers for the crew are displayed. The font used is very retro and 60's ephasizing the happy, bubbly feel of the film. The text is displayed in an aray of colours and sizes and have been animated to 'bounce' and 'flex' around the screen. Not only are the colours of the text bold but the hotel is full of colour. It looks like the producer has deliberately edited the contrast and brightness to make these colours stand out. Also the set has been made to have bright coloured flowers and crazy coloured funiture, not to mention the walls are white/cream putting even more empasis on the colours.

Goldfinger 007 Opening Sequence:
The Goldfinger opening sequence is in the classic 007 style. Women, explosions and guns. This style is a somewhat tradition of the James Bond world. The opening consists of women wearing what looks like full body skin suits on a black background. Whist various clips of the following fim is projected onto them. It looks like quite a slow paced opening sequence with the hit 'Goldfinger' sung by the one and only Shirly Bassey and slow smooth camera movements. But this is contrasted by the clips of action being projected onto the women. The names of alot of the actors and many of the cast and crew are in a very simple white font. This puts more empasis on the backgound and what is being shown, and it shows the simplicty of the opening with great effect. When each actor name is displayed on screen a clip from the film is projected, this is nice for the audience as even before the film they know who is playing who and it gives great credit to the actors themselfs. This opening is very conventional of the 007 trademark but has some unconventional and individual elements that make it unique among others.

The skin I Live in Opening Sequence:
The opening sequence to the The skin i live in is some what obscure. No cast and crew names are shown and there is no obvious music. From what the audience can tell is there is a young woman living inthe lower levels of what looks like a quite large house. She is dressed in a full body skintone suite and she seems to be making something by cutting up her clothing. the other character you see in the opening sequence is an older woman. She brings the young woman food via a food lift. This alone gives a hint that the young woman has no contact with the outside world so to say. Also the older woman seems to be fed up with the younger woman. You can see the older woman preparing somesort of medicine for the younger woman and you can tell by the contents of her food that it is very minimal and out of the ordinary. Overall the opening dosn't give much of an idea to the film ahead and simply introduces the characters.

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