Tuesday 13 November 2012

DVD Cover/Poster Analysis of Genre

 On the DVD cover for the well known romantic movie 'A walk to remember' the main distinguishing feature that is commonly used on the covers for romantic film genres is a close up of an intimate moment between the two characters in the film on both the front and back cover. Another feature is the bright orange/yellow colour scheme. This could be associated with connotations of happiness and can effect the overall effect the cover has on the buyer. From just looking at this cover you can deduce the genre of the film along with the more serious plot as although the colours are bright they are more 'natural' colours rather that bright reds and pinks which are a clique of the romantic film genre.
 On this DVD cover for 'The Lucky One' we see it is very alike to that of 'A walk to remember' it has the same colour scheme and the same type of images with the characters. But the facial expressions of the characters is more serious and so gives a overall more realistic and dramatic idea of the film plot. Futhermore the colour scheme also contains alot of white and light is used in the front cover image. This conveys a number of ideas in the viewers head of an idealistic romance that is possible.
On the DVD cover for 'Valentine's Day' we can see that it is a conventional romantic film. With a pink and black colour scheme paired with the image of a heart with all the characters smiling faces, it is fairly obvious it is a typical romantic film which everyone is accustom to. With a general fun feel to it and a pretty simple layout it 

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